Car Wash Laundry Machines
The UM202 is the only heavy-duty toploading washer-extractor in the world constructed from 100% stainless steel. It has long been the industry standard for car wash owners who require an effective wash at an efficient pace.
Labor – Cost Savings
- Faster Cycle Times
- Simple design with easy-to-understand controls
- No special flooring or anchoring for installation
- High 678 G-Force extraction
Utility – Cost Savings
- High extraction means reduced drying times
- Water level switch ensures proper amount of water is in cylinder at all times
- With Turbo Jet Spray and adjustable spray nozzle, the UM202 uses less water per pound of soiled linen than any other machine of similar capacity.
Value For Your Money
- All stainless steel construction guarantees heavy-duty use and operation
- Automatic Supply Dispenser
Proven Performance
- Throughout the car wash industry, the UniMac UM202 is recognized as the most used washer extractor
- Simple design allows for low maintenance and ease of troubleshooting
- Each UM202 carries a two-year limited warranty which does into effect should failure occur during normal operation due to defects in the material or workmanship.